
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week

The Weird Paradise on TradioV
Video streaming by Ustream

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week:

#5 Cast of the Jersey Shore

Leather skin, large fore-heads, ability to drink un-humanly amounts of alcohol. They are either lizard people or the most tanned neanderthals ever.

#4 Ashton Kutcher

This lizard person is an asshole. Goes around thinking he is better then us humans. The lizards whom control the media made him a star and there is little we can do about it beside support local human entertainment and hope he fades away like the rest of the lizard cast of That 70s Show.

#3 Russell Brand

UK lizard person. He tried to control British media for the lizard people but was finally found out and fired. He is currently trying to wrestling Human paparazzi around America.

#2 Michael Phelps
Even if he swam for America, we can not over look the fact he has larger arms, legs, hands, and feet then the common human. It is said Phelps is born for swimming; probably because he is the brood of water loving reptilians.

#1 Jay Leno

What you did to Conan was cruel and cold blooded. You're lucky are grandmas think your funny or you would not be the current Reptilian King of Late Night.