
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week 2/13/13

#1 Will Farrell
Our soon to be new lizard overlord? Probably. He would do just about as well as our human leaders, so it is a lesser of two evils kinda of thing.

#2 The Fray
Music for lizards by lizards, that's why their music is un-listenable to our human ears. Anyone listening to The Fray can be considered a lizard person or a lizard sympathizer.

#3 Bret Michaels
He says the bandanna is to hide brain surgery scars. The stylish head piece does hide the scars of a surgery; only they are the scars of reptilian horn removal not brain surgery.

#4 John Goodman
John Goodman:  Lover of New Orleans, bar-b-que enthusiast, and of course Lizard Person Actor Extraordinaire.

#5 William Shatner

His acting, his singing, the way he sits in the rays of the Sun to help him digest meals. All of it points to lizard man. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Weird Paradise 2/12/13

Video streaming by Ustream

Steffen Williamson and Roger Norquist talk about sea and river monsters. Mythical beast: The Kraken, SkyllaTiamat. Real life monsters of the wetness: Vampire SquidAlligator Garr,the Piranha. The unknown and totally weird things in our waters: GlobstersLusca, and The Bloop. We finish with modern plesiosaurs: Loch Ness MonsterChampChessie, and Japanese claims of fishermen pulling up plesiosaur bodies and of course, how to cook all these things.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Absurd Conspiracies We Subscribe To This Week!

#1 Redheads are the spawn of Aliens.
The one in the middle for sure!

#2 Dentist are putting tracking devices in our teeth.
That's why we don't go to the dentist. That and we have no insurance.

#3 U.S. Government workers are shape-shifting aliens.
Democrat or Republican, everyone in the government is an alien. Google it, there are list of which planet everyone is from as well.

From The Weird Paradise and on iTunes