
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Real Ghost?

Footage of a Ghost watching two people:

Send us The Weird Paradise your footage!

Three Haunted Houses for the Weekend

#1 Whaley House
Visitors and employees report seeing or hearing the ghosts of former owners Thomas and Anna Whaley. Thomas' ghost resides near the landing at the top of the staircase, while Anna's stays downstairs or in the garden. Regis Philbin is among those who claimed to have seen Mrs. Whaley's ghost. The scent of cigar smoke and perfume have mysteriously arisen at times.

#2 The White House
First Lady Abigail Adams; First Lady Dolly Madison; Andrew Jackson; Abraham Lincoln. Seen by Eleanor Roosevelt; Jimmy Carter's daughter; George W. Bush;  Woodrow Wilson's wife. The White House could make a killing off offering presidential ghost tours.

#3 The Villisca Axe Murder House
Now a murder-themed bed and breakfast, the Villisca Aex Murder House was home to the most gruesome murder in Villisca, IA. On June 10, 1912; Josiah Moore, his wife Sarah and their four children invited Lena and Ina Stillinger, to spend the night at the Moore house. After the family and their guests turned in for the night, someone entered the house and used Josiah Moore's axe to crush the skulls of every person in the house while they slept. No one was ever convicted of the murders, and those murdered still reside within the macabre attraction.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Top 5 Lizard People Week of 2/6/2013

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week

#5 Rhea Perlman

That's why Danny DeVito left her: to avoid being eaten during intercourse.

#4 Piers Morgan

He was not forced to leave England because he is arguably a bad journalist, but because he needed to move to a warmer climate so his eggs could hatch.

#3 Gary Busey

There is no frontal lobe thinking here; it is all back brain, medulla oblongata thinking.

#2 Woody Allen

He is not a Lizard person, more of a Turtle with out his shell.

#1 Willem Dafoe

Have you seen Anti-Christ? Platoon? Affliction? Off Limits? Streets of Fire? To Live and Die in L.A.? Born on the Fourth of July? The English Patient? The Last Temptation of Christ? Mississippi Burning? Mr. Bean's Holiday? The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou? The Boondock Saints? Spider-Man?

The Weird Paradise 2/5/13

Roger Norquist and Steffen Williamson describe how to bag a body of paranormal evidence. This is episode is a giant How-to of techniques that are going to find you a BigfootChupacabra, Ghost, or Alien. Thanks for watching and listening!

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