
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week

The Weird paradise on TradioV. This week Witches and the crafts they are into.

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week

#5 Dennis Rodman

Lizard Man! His facial features are strangely reminiscent of Argonians from The Elder Scrolls series of video games. He dresses with a fashion sense so bizarre it does not truly resemble any culture on the surface of Earth.

#4 Donald Trump

What kind of warm-blooded human goes around and makes a career for himself by firing people he could help tremendously. No warm-blooded human is the answer, only a cold-blooded lizard would take pleasure in what Donald Trump does.

#3 Dee Snyder

Well some pictures say all we need. Plus no human could have thought of the extreme pyrotechnics of Twisted Sister. It still blows human minds.

#2 Seth Macfarlane

Those first few seasons of Family Guy were fantastic. Well built plots that showed the virtues of modern American families. Now, Family Guy is a pile of pop-culture references and absurd narratives that jump the shark each week. The problem: Seth Macfarlane was kidnapped by reptilian forces and replaced with a lizard doppelganger.

#1 David Hassleoff

This video says it all:

Steffen's Weekend

Steffen tells Roger and common man Brad Galli how his weekend went through a slide show:

The Weird paradise on TradioV. Every Tuesday at 6:00pm MST and streaming until the end of time. This week Witches and the crafts they are into.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Weird Paradise 3/5/13

The Weird paradise on TradioV. This week Witches and the crafts they are into. Tune in tonight!

Video streaming by Ustream

Witches and the Crafts they are into! Roger Norquist and Steffen Williamson discuss witches on this episode on The Weird Paradise. Up first the Top 5 Lizard People of the Week. Then we get into what is a witch, are there witches among us, and end on how to put a stop to witches and their powers. Common man Brad Galli joins us to give his impression.




Brad Galli

New Weird Paradise recorded live, today at 6:00

Tonight! At 6:00pm! The Weird paradise on TradioV. This week Witches and the crafts they are into. Tune in tonight!

A little taste of the show tonight!

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Get Weird With It!