
Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to survive a Jackalope attack

The Weird Paradise Podcast on TradioV

The Jackalope:

The Jackalope (Absurdum Lepus) is a carnivorous hybrid species of rabbit and elk. Despite their small size, Jackalopes have been found from 6" to 1' tall on all fours and 8" in length, they are clever and quick beast that ravage the southwestern desserts of America in packs ranging from 6 to 24.

The Attack:

Absurdum Lepus starts its attack by mimicking the human voice, lulling the prey (typically human) into a false sense of security. The decoy now comes out of hiding, normally chewing on some lettuce to make itself look "cute". Once drawn in, the Jackalope's hunting partners leap into the air at tremendous speeds piercing the prey's flesh with Absurdum Lepus' long and sharp antlers. Absurdum Lepus begins to eat the prey while it is wounded and alive.


Few have survived to tell the tale of a Jackalope encounter. Those who have say one thing alone saved them:  Alien abduction.

All whom have survived the Absurdum Lepus' rage claim right before the angry rabbits dealt their death blow, the area was suddenly bathed in a bright blue light. The light is so intense that it causes those inside to black out, waking up to find strange human-like beings around them with metal objects poking and prodding them. No words are said from the strange beings, at least through their mouth slits. Inside the mind of the abducted  bizarre un-earthly voices loudly tell the individual to stay calm. Next thing the person knows, they are back at the sight of the Jackalope attack, the furry beast of the Southwest no where to be seen.

There may be more ways to survive the attack of the ferocious Absurdum Lepus, however, all of the few survivors you can track down say this is how they survived; and "A tracking device in you butt is a small price to pay to be saved from man-eating rabbit-elk."

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Explanations for Bigfoot

An Unknown Species of Animal

If the noble Sasquatch is real, it is likely just an unknown species of ape. Below is a map of sightings throughout North America:

If Bigfoot is a creature, then according to sightings there are two regions where Bigfoot resides: the Rocky Mountains and west, and east of the Mississippi. This diversion could have giving birth to two distinct types of Sasquatch. In the East, claims are that a large ape like creature builds nests with long grass to take shelter from the weather. The mountainous West, while claims still mention nests, stories of local people and modern sightings hint at the beast living in caves.

*For those that doubt man could have missed a unknown creature , scientist found a spider so unique it is part of a new family and genius and species.

Spiritual Being

Local people to North American have stories, thought to be hundreds of years old, claiming Bigfoot is actually a spiritual being who guards holy lands and nature in general.

Until we can acquire evidence of the spiritual world this theory will remain unsolvable.

Inter-planetary/Inter-dimensional Being

It is not a well know theory, however, it has been put out into the human consciousness that Bigfoot may actually be a Alien traveling to our planet from far away or a being that can phase in and out of our dimension. Proponents of this say this version of Bigfoot is a Guardian of Earth sent to watch and protect it. 

First of all, if they are protectors of the Earth; are they going to do anything to stop the destruction of Earth? True, legislation is being created and seriously talked about for protecting what could be essentially Sasquatch habitats. Is this how they are going to protect the Earth? Legislation? If it gets accepted and passed in the future Bigfoot will have done more for nature then thousands of hippies.

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week 2/20/13

#5 Suri Cruise

Mother: American Actress Katie Holmes.  Father: Scientologist/Lizard Person Tom Cruise. Our Theory is that Suri Cruise is the first Human/Lizard Hybrid.

#4 Dr. Drew
Dr. Drew claims he is helping people but the 5th death from his Celebrity Rehab cast calls into question his practice and treatment of rehab. We think the whole thing is a cover for him killing and feeding the dead celebrities to his cold blooded brood.

#3 Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson used to be a maverick in the lizard person community, acting in movies that examined the human condition (Leathal Weapon, The Mad Max Trilogy). Now he is having a hard time keeping his reptilian mind from taking hold and was last seen spouting racial slurs and any human he sniffs out.

#2 David Beckham

David Beckham, like fellow UK lizard person Piers Morgan, he came to America seeking a better life for him, his wife Victoria, and their eggs; now able to hatch due to the warmer climate.

#1 Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne. You see, some people are just ugly. Let me rephrase that: some people are just ugly because what they find beautiful works on a different standard then humanity. For a lizard woman or gay lizard man; Lil Wayne, very attractive. Next time you are thinking "wow ugly person", you should think, "wow, beautiful lizard person." They are doing their best to fit in.

Monday, February 18, 2013