
Monday, February 25, 2013

Aliens: what are they?

The Weird Paradise on TradioV and iTunes.

Nordic Aliens

Nordic aliens have been described as benevolent or even "magical" beings who want to observe and communicate with humans. Contactees have said that the Nordics are concerned about the earth's environment or prospects for world peace, and may transmit messages telepathically. American social worker John Carpenter said that the typical Nordic, as described by those he interviewed, "is paternal, watchful, smiling, affectionate, youthful, all-knowing.“ Stephanie Kelley-Romano says that the Nordics "are often associated with spiritual growth and love and act as protectors for the experiencers." A few claimants say that the Nordics have warned them about the grey aliens, but other claimants say that they have seen Nordics inside the same craft as greys. In such reports, the Nordics are often interpreted as leaders, with the greys as their subordinates. Jenny Randles writes that although she believes Nordics have "certainly" been involved in abductions she feels the abduction is "less essential to the encounter than it is with the greys."

The Reptilians

Reptilians (also called reptoids,  reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who says shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians attempting to gain power to rule the world.

In February 2011, on the Opie & Anthony radio show, the comedian Louis C.K. asked former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld a number of times if he and Dick Cheney were lizard people who enjoyed the taste of human flesh. Rumsfeld did not answer the question. Louis C.K. comically interpreted Rumsfeld's refusal to answer as an admission and further suggested that those who are lizard people cannot lie about it; when asked if they are lizards, they either have to avoid answering the question or say yes. 

The Greys

The science fiction writer H. G. Wells, in the article "Man of the Year Million" in 1893, describes humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. In his 1901 book The First Men in the Moon, Selenites, or natives of the Moon, are described as having grey skin, big heads, large black eyes and wasp stings. He also briefly describes aliens resembling Greys brought down to Earth as food by the antagonists of his more popular novel The War of the Worlds.

In 1965, newspaper reports of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction brought Greys to international attention. The alleged abductees, Betty and Barney Hill, claimed to have been abducted by alien beings and taken to a saucer-shaped spaceship in 1961. The term "Greys" did not come into usage until many years later, but the alleged beings described by Betty and Barney Hill generally fit many of the common traits of the so-called Greys. From a star chart reported by Betty Hill, Marjorie Fish, an elementary school teacher and amateur astronomer, concluded that the home planet of these beings was located in the Zeta Reticuli star system (allegedly the fourth planet of one of the stars of the Zeta Reticuli binary system). The Greys are therefore sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans.


ALF followed an amateur radio signal to Earth and crash-landed into the garage of American family, The Tanners; a suburban middle-class family in the San Fernando Valley area.

The Tanners took ALF into their home and hid him from the Alien Task Force (a part of the U.S. military) and their nosy neighbors Trevor and Raquel Ochmonek.  ALF's home planet Melmac exploded because of a catastrophe involving nuclear war. The alien was a gardener on his planet.

ALF tried to convince the President of the United States to stop the nuclear program, as ALF fears that Earth might suffer a fate similar to Melmac's. ALF (a.k.a. Gordon Shumway) is homeless, but he is not the last survivor of his species.

Rumors say he is to star in the ALF movie by Sony Pictures Animation.

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