
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week

The Weird paradise on TradioV. This week Witches and the crafts they are into.

Top 5 Lizard People of the Week

#5 Dennis Rodman

Lizard Man! His facial features are strangely reminiscent of Argonians from The Elder Scrolls series of video games. He dresses with a fashion sense so bizarre it does not truly resemble any culture on the surface of Earth.

#4 Donald Trump

What kind of warm-blooded human goes around and makes a career for himself by firing people he could help tremendously. No warm-blooded human is the answer, only a cold-blooded lizard would take pleasure in what Donald Trump does.

#3 Dee Snyder

Well some pictures say all we need. Plus no human could have thought of the extreme pyrotechnics of Twisted Sister. It still blows human minds.

#2 Seth Macfarlane

Those first few seasons of Family Guy were fantastic. Well built plots that showed the virtues of modern American families. Now, Family Guy is a pile of pop-culture references and absurd narratives that jump the shark each week. The problem: Seth Macfarlane was kidnapped by reptilian forces and replaced with a lizard doppelganger.

#1 David Hassleoff

This video says it all:

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